It was during this period that the island of Alcatraz, a former military stockade, began its service as a federal greatest safeguard prison, housing notorious inmates such as Al Capone, and Robert Franklin Stroud, the Birdman of Alcatraz. San Francisco later celebrated its regained grandeur with a World’s fair, the Golden Gate International Exposition in 1939–40, growing Treasure Island in the midst of the bay to accommodate it. During World War II, the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard became a hub of pastime, and Fort Mason became the fundamental port of embarkation for service members delivery out to the Pacific Theater of Operations. The explosion of jobs drew many people, especially African Americans from the South, to the world. After the end of the war, many military team of workers coming back from carrier abroad and civilians who had in the beginning come to work determined to remain. The United Nations Charter growing the United Nations was drafted and signed in San Francisco in 1945 and, in 1951, the Treaty of San Francisco formally ended the war with Japan. Offers numerous themes and plugins. Word Count Journal. com – A new blogging format that is also part challenge. Write one word on the 1st day, two words on the second one day and so on, at the top of the year you’ll have written 66,795 words. Xanco. com – Another moblogging site for you to share all of your mobile communications with friends and family.